About Me

Rumi Axolotl
Backend Developer
I'm a software developer with experience in Node.js and Linux. I enjoy building efficient and scalable web applications using Node.js and leveraging the power of Linux for server management. With strong problem-solving skills and attention to detail, I strive to provide high-quality software solutions. I am passionate about continuous learning and staying up to date with the latest technology in the industry.
- Node.js
- JavaScript
- Linux
- Express.js
- Docker
- Git
Dotfile config for ArchLinux with Hyprland, using Catppuccin color scheme. With waybar, wlogout, hyprlock, hypridle and other stuffs.
Technologies: Shell Scripting, Linux Configuration
Features: Highly customized environment, efficient workflow.
View ProjectRecruit Website
The website was built for employers and candidates to access with the purpose of finding suitable jobs.
Technologies: Node.js, Express.js, [Database if any]
Features: User authentication, job posting, search functionality.
View ProjectContact Me
Let's connect! I'm always open to discussing new opportunities and collaborations.
Email: rumiaxolotl@gmail.com